Sunday Morning

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Joined: 15 May 2004 21:13

Re: Sunday Morning

Post by Mark »

Not at all easy to work out what's going on in this track, made harder by the fact that (unusually for 1966) the stereo mix is quite subtle, there's none of that hard separation you often get with stuff from that era.

This is what I can make out:

Right: Celeste, piano (piano becomes audible immediately after the first chorus)
Left: bass, drums
Somewhere in there off to the right: ridiculously echo-drenched strummed guitar, droning viola.

The viola comes more to the fore during the guitar solo, and stays there afterwards, mingling with Nico's (again, ludicrously reverbed) la-la-la vocals. That could even be a second viola part, overdubbed on top of the initial drone.

So basically I agree with Cam's analysis.

It's worth listening to the alternative mono version (on Spotify, from the 45th Anniv edition) as some elements of the mix are actually clearer despite the absence of stereo separation.

It might be worth stripping out some elements with one of these newer stem separation tools (I've had good results from in the past) and see if what's left gets any clearer.
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