New book: The Velvet Underground, etc.

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New book: The Velvet Underground, etc.

Post by Kent532 » 15 Nov 2023 15:01

By Rafa Cervera. Only in Spanish, for now. ... etc/383224

The author says that what makes this book different is this:

"Creo que lo distingue a este libro es que hay una voluntad por mi parte de contar la historia abriéndola lo máximo posible. Que guste al seguidor pero que también interese al que solamente siente curiosidad por el grupo. No es solamente explicar quiénes eran, sino su contexto, sus colaboradores, sus discípulos y su impacto en la cultura popular"

"I think that what distinguishes this book from others is that there is a desire on my part to tell the story, opening it up as much as possible. I'm hoping that it pleases the fan but also interests those who are only curious about the group. It is not only explaining who they were, but their context, their collaborators, their disciples and their impact on popular culture"