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Re: VU Guitars Photo Thread

Posted: 21 Apr 2009 20:23
by bobbldr
I am pretty certain that itis WRKO...

Re: VU Guitars Photo Thread

Posted: 21 Apr 2009 20:56
by alfredovu
Now I´m home and can look at the album.


Disk Jockey is Al Gates.

The first and probably only source for this LP was/is Mike Kostek´s Handbook. I bought this record from him late 90´s

When I first posted this pic in a previous Thread years ago I agreed that this pic is taken at the WL/WH promo gig in Chicago. The screen, amps, micros, etc and their clothes, all are the same.

By the way, what the hell you guys think is this square thing in front of Sterl/Jonh on the pic below???


Re: VU Guitars Photo Thread

Posted: 21 Apr 2009 21:13
by bobbldr

Re: VU Guitars Photo Thread

Posted: 21 Apr 2009 21:28
by lurid
I'm not sure. It looks like a small dias, but the "top" is at the wrong angle. Or even a pulpit, but again at the wrong angle. The copy of the pic in the "VU Scrapbook" is very slightly more detailed than the version on Olivier's site, but it is still hard to tell what it is! I used to think it was John's organ, but you can see he is playing bass (and the upright part of it doesn't look like an organ stand).
I dont know. I do not even know where that "article" was originally published - there are no source credits in the "Scrapbook".
alfredovu wrote:
By the way, what the hell you guys think is this square thing in front of Sterl/Jonh on the pic below???


Re: VU Guitars Photo Thread

Posted: 23 Apr 2009 17:24
by calaminehello
bobbldr wrote:Image
what year and what kinda guitar is that?

Re: VU Guitars Photo Thread

Posted: 23 Apr 2009 21:09
by alfredovu
lurid wrote: I dont know. I do not even know where that "article" was originally published - there are no source credits in the "Scrapbook".
Yeah. Wondering abaut this for years. Always thought that the original pics - not the damn photocopies on the Scrapbook - must look grrreatt!!

Re: VU Guitars Photo Thread

Posted: 24 Apr 2009 10:33
by lurid
I agree. I never saw that "article" anywhere but in the "Scrapbook".

It possibly appeared in a local Chicago paper - maybe a music/local radio-related publication?
alfredovu wrote:Yeah. Wondering abaut this for years. Always thought that the original pics - not the damn photocopies on the Scrapbook - must look grrreatt!!

Re: VU Guitars Photo Thread

Posted: 24 Feb 2010 21:48
by calaminehello





Re: VU Guitars Photo Thread

Posted: 24 Feb 2010 23:49
by Mark
Is that yours? Woah...

Re: VU Guitars Photo Thread

Posted: 16 Apr 2010 18:57
by calaminehello
no, but i did recently buy the exact model for $500! supposedly made by a company named guyatone, it's called the "kent copa" and is model no. 532. price was high, but i had to have it.

anybody got more pics of this guitar? there are some in this thread of both lou and sterling playing it, and that 1965 video shows lou playing it. totally rad guitar.