Arctic Monkeys 'stole' new album title

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Arctic Monkeys 'stole' new album title

Post by threechordwonder »

I have been wondering if this is really proper VU fodder, but what the hell. It's from June 2013, thus before Lou died, and shows that the Velvets' influence was still strong before the outpouring of tributes. ... 72510.html

I think they missed the point though, that album was not merely the band's initials. Maybe the Monkeys never encountered AM radio.
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Re: Arctic Monkeys 'stole' new album title

Post by calaminehello »

that's where U2 got their band name from.

stole it outright from the velvet underground's VU album.

*dextrorotory components synthesis of sympathomimetic musics (contains the equivalent of two complete stereo records)
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